Friday, February 18, 2011


Q&A - Why Do I Feel Restless and Unfulfilled?
Daily Inspiration
By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, LifeScript Personal Coach
Published March 12, 2009

Q: Over the past few months I have become restless and unfullfilled with my life. I love being a wife and mother, but I want more out of life: more money, more happiness, more freedom, more everything. I just don't know how to achieve this. Sometimes I feel as if I am a caged animal that is desperately trying to escape. What could cause me to suddenly be so unhappy with a life that was once fulfilling?

-Elisha B.

A: Hi Elisha,
I’m sure there are a lot of others who can identify with how you feel. I am even more intrigued by the nebulousness of your concern. As a matter of fact, it’s that vague sense of wanting something more or that insatiable itch to do something different with one’s life that is often the driving force that inspires people to take action. I’m curious about your age and the age of your children, as that information would help me better understand your predicament. For example, if your children are approaching college age, the empty nest syndrome often creates the kind of feelings you describe. Other times it can be what we call a mid-life crisis, simple boredom, or in more serious cases, a much deeper psychological issue. So the question remains: What would cause you to “suddenly be so unhappy”?

The short answer, due to the limited information I have, is that I don’t know. I suggest you visit with a therapist or someone from your local place of worship to help you think through this sudden state of unhappiness. You could also stop by your local community college or career center and inquire about taking interest inventories to help you narrow down your interests better. The bottom line is this: There is a little voice whispering discontentment into your ear and I don’t suggest you ignore it. In most cases, action is the antidote for unhappiness. I suggest you become active by taking this to the next level, Elisha, and investigate these feelings with a trained listener.

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare


who hasn't experienced that feeling of being unsettled? people feel that at some point. and it's very 'unsettling' because most of us would want to be able to explain why we're feeling that way. i don't mind being in that mood sometimes. contentment and happiness can make us fall into the complacent trap. so, consider feelings of discontent or sadness as 'gentle nudges'. don't bury yourself into the feeling. i'll borrow a line from my dance video - "get up and let yourself go".

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