The Pursuit of Happiness
Daily Inspiration
By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, Lifescript Personal Coach
Follow Dr. Sklare on Health Bistro!
Published November 18, 2011
of the most widely recognized sentences in the United States
Declaration of Independence is the following: “We hold these truths to
be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed
by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” I was doing some research
the other day when I ran across this sentence. As is often the case,
this sentence struck me differently as it has in the past and gave me
pause for thought. It is that thought, regarding the pursuit of
happiness, which provides the platform for today’s daily reflection.
The pursuit of happiness is guaranteed to each one of us in the Declaration of Independence, but as I look around me daily, I’m sad to say we all don’t pursue this precious guarantee. With that said, let me ask you the following question: What do you actively do each day that contributes to the pursuit of happiness in your life? Are you mindful and purposeful as you pursue happiness, or do you rarely give it a second thought? Most people simply wander through their day hoping that happiness will miraculously show up at the front door. In my dictionary, however, the word pursuit indicates an active, dedicated and mindful search. If you don’t feel the warm and wondrous comfort of happiness in your life, I suggest you begin an active pursuit today. Just the thought of you doing so makes me very happy indeed!
Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare The pursuit of happiness is guaranteed to each one of us in the Declaration of Independence, but as I look around me daily, I’m sad to say we all don’t pursue this precious guarantee. With that said, let me ask you the following question: What do you actively do each day that contributes to the pursuit of happiness in your life? Are you mindful and purposeful as you pursue happiness, or do you rarely give it a second thought? Most people simply wander through their day hoping that happiness will miraculously show up at the front door. In my dictionary, however, the word pursuit indicates an active, dedicated and mindful search. If you don’t feel the warm and wondrous comfort of happiness in your life, I suggest you begin an active pursuit today. Just the thought of you doing so makes me very happy indeed!
Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare
Follow Dr. Sklare on Health Bistro!
My Thoughts
Dr. Slake is right. This indeed requires reflection. Serious reflection, I might say.
What do I actively do each day? I never really gave this much thought. I know what I do each day made me happy for that day. I enjoy what I do. I never really give much thought as to how much this would contribute to my happiness tomorrow?
I know I pursue things with passion. Today. Today.