Sunday, November 15, 2009

Simple ways to be happy

Simple Ways to Be Happy
by Janice Taylor


I know - we've heard about this topic a hundred maybe a thousand times. And yet, why are there times it seems so elusive? So out of reach? Or - you're happy now, and in a split second you're in a murderous state? or worse, thinking of making yourself a gonner? I was smiling when I read this article. Yes, smiling. To myself. Such simple tips. Nothing expensive. You don't even need a dictionary to understand what each tip would require. Well, I guess, it's the simplicity of it all that makes us miss the whole point. It's as simple as taking a cat nap - which gives me headaches by the way. I'm the 6-8-hours-sleep- person. And no wonder there are days things look so gloomy. I hate waking up early. And this is one way of making us happy (according to the author). I didn't know that "20 minutes of sunlight improves the mood". How would I know? I put on double curtains to keep
the sun out!!!

Some tips here are ceratinly challenging. Growing a garden? I've tried. Each time, I failed- without fail. And my idea of garden was a couple of pots of cactus. Yes, cactus! No one told me they can drown. Especially when you water them after 6 months of drought. They survive in the dessert. But no, not in "my garden".

Happiness is not elusive though. It's just there. For each of us to discover. I can certainly be my own BFF. Oh and I love to "Smile, Giggle, Snigger, or Chuckle". Wait! You do need a dictionary. What, pray tell, is a "snigger"?

"Indulge in dark chocolates"? "Sing out loud"? Well, I've had my moments. I'm just not sure how I made others unhappy when I sing. And it doesn't have to be loud.

"Love everything" to be happy? Now that will take more than just effort. So as accepting "what you cannot change". That will certainly help laughing at "your shortcomings" and catching "happiness from others"

And this is what I really like - I need a pencil to be happy. So I can "pencil-in quiet time". Blissfully quiet moments - meditate and pray, being grateful, looking to the future and knowing that miracles do happen. I feel ecstatic already. And all I did was read the article. - Jo Ann

Janice Taylor is the author of the Our Lady of Weight Loss blog on Beliefnet, and the book, All is Forgiven, Move On. Here's the article on Simple Ways to Be Happy.

If you are looking for happiness, you've come to the right place! Happiness is a state of being that only you can create. Happiness is a choice that you make. Using what I've learned as a life and wellness coach, this article will share with you the best tips on happiness that can help you to create happiness in your life! Get ready to smile, chant, eat dark chocolate and dream... big!

Be Your Own BFF
Enjoy your own company. Embrace everything about you! Without a doubt, it’s the most important step towards being a happy person.

Smile, Giggle, Snigger, or Chuckle!
Smiling releases serotonin in the brain, which instantaneously gives your mood a lift.

Warm Up Your Tootsies
Pull on your best pair of warm socks, wiggle your toes and enjoy a cozy kind of bliss.

Sing Out Loud!
Shut the doors and the windows tight, put on your favorite song, and let your voice ring!

Indulge in Dark Chocolate
Savor a small piece and watch your mood improve.

Expect a Miracle
Believe that something wonderful will happen for you today. The universe is waiting to shower happy blessings on you.

Meditate, Pray, and Chant
Research shows that people who are spiritual tend to be happier and healthier than those who are not.

Laugh at Your Shortcomings
We all make mistakes; none of us is perfect. Forgive your imperfections, accept your faults, and laugh.

Sleep, Baby, Sleep
Seven or eight hours each night should increase your energy and decrease moodiness.

Count Your Blessings Daily
Gratitude, the emotion of thankfulness, is one of the key ingredients for living a happy life. Make gratitude a habit and happiness will be yours

Wake Up Early!
Start the day off on a happy foot, with a happy thought. The morning hours are full of spiritual energy and prana (life force).

Let the Sun Shine In
20 minutes of sunlight per day improves mood and wards of Seasonal Affection Disorder (SAD).

Create a Positive Affirmation
Think it, read it, say it, sing it! "My happiness brings me more happiness."

Say "Good Job!"
Give yourself permission to pat yourself on the back. Recognize your accomplishments and positive qualities.

Catch Happiness from Others
Remembering that happiness is contagious, surround yourself with happy, positive people who share your values, goals, and dreams.

Grow a Garden
Watching plants grow and thrive under your care is thrilling!

Pencil in 'Quiet' Time
Each and every day sit awhile, without television, without magazines, without the Internet. Just be!

Look to the Future
Set goals and then make plans to succeed and take action. Pursuing something we value always makes us happy.

Accept What You Cannot Change
Don't waste your precious time, energy, or thoughts on something that is beyond your control. Let it go.

Take a Cat Nap
A 10-minute nap is all it takes to rejuvenate your spirit and get the happiness to flow.

Love Everything
Love who you are. Love what you are doing. Love the person you're with. Love your friends and your enemies, too. Love! Love! Love